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Antique Brass Clock

Antique brass clocks are a timeless table decor option and a long-lasting home decor style statement. Despite the advent of a digital world, analog clocks remain an exquisite statement piece of art and decor. It is an art to decorate the table, and antique clock enthusiasts know how to make a small table the centerpiece of the room with a timepiece. In addition to making your table look beautiful, timepieces add a unique and elegant touch to it. Brass Artifacts brings you a selection of stylish, silver-polished brass clock that fit into your modern decor flawlessly while also adding a quirky, classy touch.

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Time pieces are a classic table decor choice and a home decor style statement lasting ages. Despite the advent of a digital world, analog clocks remain an exquisite statement piece of art and decor. It is an art to decorate the table, and antique clock enthusiasts know how to make a small table the centerpiece of the room with a timepiece. In addition to making your table look beautiful, timepieces add a unique and elegant touch to it. Brass Artifacts brings you a selection of stylish, silver polished timepieces that fits into your modern decor flawlessly while also adding a quirky, classy touch.

Home Decor with Brass: Elegant Antique Brass Wall Clocks

Brass has a gorgeous golden-yellow shine that gives brass goods a wonderful polish, unlike bronze. Due to the grand statement that brass home décor makes, the antique brass clock is widely sought after by collectors, upmarket interior decorators, and connoisseurs. The material's timeless, traditional gloss and polish enhance your antique brass wall clock living room decorations. Any antique brass mantel clock in our living room is a striking piece that draws attention. Any house or business will quickly feel more upscale when you add a brass wall clock

How to take care of an antique brass table clock properly?

A brass table clock is generally highly resilient and easily maintained. The greatest qualities of both metals are combined in brass, a copper and zinc alloy, which has stunning brilliance and high tensile strength. This explains why brass is a popular practical metal for delicate pieces like a brass mantel clock, a vintage brass wall clock, an antique brass desk clock as well as an antique brass table clock. Your small brass clock doesn't require much maintenance, but it's still a good idea to lightly dust and clean it once a week. To prevent lint residue on the products, you can do this with a dry microfiber cloth. To prevent scratching the polished brass, it is strongly encouraged to use soft fabrics rather than brushes or other polishing implements. A large brass clock seems more daunting to maintain, but a regular dusting is sufficient for it.